As I travelled from the 25th of February to 5th of March 2012 across the states of Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bundelkhand, Delhi, Haryana & Punjab... the only thing what I witnessed is that maximum of the AGRICULTURE LAND have turned into Concrete Jungle, thereby reducing drastically the land to grow more food grains for the ever growing population...
And Mindless Leaders are insisting that Farmers should grow more food grains...
Will someone explain as to how it is possible with shrinking Agriculture Land?
Almost in every state, the scenario was alarming to me to see Agriculture Land being turned into Concrete Jungles with Educational Institutions, Factories, Colonies, Shops and Malls... no one is really concerned about the future with the ever growing population! What will the generation of tiny-tots eat in the coming future? How on the earth agriculture land are being turned or converted into non-agriculture land, when there is a law?
@ Tundla, near Agra in Uttar Pradesh
I know, majority of us will say without a thought (of the future) that it is the sign of nation's economic growth... is it really the economic growth in the real sense or simply unplanned planning of the dangerous future ahead? What will happen when there will be no land to cultivate food grains? What will happen when the farmers' community will get extinct like various animal species have, because farming is becoming hazardous with everything becoming costlier day after day, from labour to seeds to fertilizers to pesticides' prices increasing, while market prices of various crops are fetching low prices... apart from all the faulty policies of the government against the farmers... and to rub salt on the wounds of the devoted poor farmers, even nature plays to push them towards the debt cycle with no escape whatsoever... so how will or should the farmers' community really survive to feed their families, provide education to their children, feed self while feeding the nation???
Mindless leaders and National Planning Officials sitting in their crystal palaces insist farmers should increase the output year after year... HOW? With shrinking fertile lands and everything against them, how should the farmers of the nation achieve the unexpected? This is not a political election, where in, every hook and crook formula works or are implemented to win to come into power. Agriculture is certainly not a power game... it is simple common sense!
In the last two years, I have travelled in various states all across India, namely, Maharastra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Bundelkhand, Haryana, Punjab... in cities to interior villages... everywhere the scenario is the same... agriculture lands are being grabbed and converted into concrete jungles in millions of hectare / acre by builders, MNCs, Educational Institutions, Government Projects and what not... are we really bothered about the future???
I was a journalist-writer-poet-blogger based in Bombay. From 18th March 2010, I have devoted my life to support suicide farmers' families in Vidarbha to make them self-reliant and live a decent life.
As a journalist I have had the goodwill to contribute articles on various topics & subjects in more than 60 esteem National & International Publications.
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